On Tuesday I woke up extra early and my parents and I went to my grandparent's because they were going to take my mom and dad to the airport, I woke up around 8 am after not sleeping at all due to a midnight (actually 2 am) visit from Vicki and Dorianne. I slept on the way back from the airport and then I plopped on my grandma's bed until 1 in the afternoon where I had lunch and hung out with Patty when she came back from school. We also went for dinner, me, my grandparents, Tia Marilu, Patty and Cristy at Golden Unicorn. It was really yummy :)
On Wednesday I did the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge which is a challenge promoting the Association for Escleorosis and the goal of the challenge is either you pour a bucket of ice and water on top of yourself or donate money and Patty and I did both. We both poured buckets of iced water on us and then donated $5.00. Then I showered and went straight to the airport where I didn't have to do any check in because I had no luggage and I had checked in online. I had no luggage because my mom and dad took it with them, smartest idea my dad've had! I read and slept on the flight and landed at around 10 or 11 pm.
On Friday we went to see a couple of apartments off campus, we first went to The Province and at first that place was my second choice but after seeing The Flats at 4200 it's my first choice now. My mom and dad also like The Province a lot because it looked classier. After apartment hunting we headed to the mall to see if we could replace my iPad, I went fully convinced that I'd have to pay $250 because of water damage but when they inspected my iPad it had no trace of water so they gave me a brand new (refurbished) one for free! You have no idea how happy I was, that honestly made my whole weekend. I did a little shopping at H&M and Forever 21 as well and then we headed again to Target because there's always something to buy at Target.
We had not much planned for Saturday since it was our last whole day together so we kinda just went with the flow. We had lunch at IHOP which was great and then went for more shopping, lol. My dad as you know is a Walmart fanatic so he had to go one last time, and he decided to go to the very ratchet one on Fletcher and it was a really scary experience. I will never ever want to go to the Walmart, nothing serious happened but it was so crowded and ugh I just can't even. My dad went headphone shopping and that was kind of the whole day's mission: find headphones for my dad. He ended up buying $11 phillips earbuds haha. We had dinner at Chili's and it was delicious.
On Sunday my mom and dad dropped me off and headed for Orlando to catch their flight and I started unpacking all my clothes and unlike last year, this year I've got TONS of closet space and I'm so happy! I spent most (the whole) of the morning catching up on my YouTube videos, read some HP, made me some lunch (frozen pizza, because my roommate threw out my Olive Garden left overs /:) and prepared myself the yummiest green juice (it was really green from all the spinach I poured).
Here are some pics of my new dorm room: