And if my life could go any worse, I overslept Tuesday morning making me one hour late to my physics lab... So I got half of the points deducted because of that. I'm miserable, I don't see any point in life you know... Is future really worth all this crap? I can't even cry... I don't feel like eating... I want to just give up in future... My whole career can go down the drain because of this class. I had an A assured in this class but because of this lab I won't get an A, meaning that my GPA could go below 3.0 and that could cost me the entrance to the Computer Engineering department. I kind of really want to major in that, I like it, but I don't like the process to enter. I sick of physics and calculus. I feel like I cannot take it anymore. I know I am smart and bright enough to do it, but I'm not emotionally ready for this roller coaster. I need my mom, I need Rod to cry on, I need my best friend to talk to. I'm alone, emotionally broken, and because of one little mistake my life could go down the drain. I know I can make it up and just drop and take it next semester, same with physics and calculus; but I've never been the kind of person to just repeat courses or to fail. I'm not used to this... I know what Alex said is true, that college is a whole other thing, but I just feel like I don't belong. I don't know what to do... I know I said all I needed was my mom, Rod, and Alex... But honestly, whatever my mom says won't make me feel better, Rod wouldn't know how to handle it and I can honestly feel how tired he is of listening to me, and I don't want to feel belittled by Alex... I running into walls in here...
Wednesday almost starts the same way Tuesday did, I almost over slept but got just in time for class. I think it's funny how a 150+ students classroom is always almost empty, only around 30 people attended the Discrete Structures lecture and people kept leaving. I don't even know why I go since I obviously don't pay any attention. It's Chen Kan all over again as Armando might say. After class I went to the library to continue my weekly study sessions, and this session was all about Calculus III. I did some problems from the vast collection of problems we've been assigned (around a 100 for only one chapter).
On Thursday I had planned with Ricardo to study all day but he thought I was kidding so he left less than two hours into the study session... like, really? I thought I was going to study the rest of the day but guess I didn't. I did my physics (still mad) pre lab, the jazz concert assignment (in which I got a 100), yet I don't feel productive at all. I also ordered pizza which is biting my conscience in this very moment, no more pizza the rest of the semester! And that's a damn commitment I'm going to follow. My face also feels gross so I decided to go for a face mask (Kiko's anti aging mask, it's simply perfect).
My procrastinating game is strong on Saturday, I was supposed to do my Discrete Structure's homework but instead I filmed a Youtube video of my dorm XD In the end I finished my homework and made my cheat sheet around 2 in the morning. I'm so close to finishing HIMYM on Netflix but I'm too sleepy to finish it.
On Sunday I studied a bit for my Calculus test, I watched Harry Potter 7.2 and yeah haha that was my Sunday!