Thursday, June 27, 2013

YouTube Daily Shoutout #16 - Science

I found this channel that uploads videos about scientific questions we are curios about because we experience it in our daily life. I love the old school animated videos in which you just draw with markers on a white board. This first video is about the Snooze Button. Should we press it? Does it make us sleepier or does it actually help us wake up?

The second video from the same channel is about Why Do We Cry? You know the different reasons like from happiness, pain, sadness or allergies; and this video explains a little more deeper about our tears and the reasons why we actually cry.

And the last video has nothing to do with science in our daily lives but I totally rocked this song. It's a song mentioning all the elements of the periodic table, and one day when my life comes to nothing but procrastination I'll try to learn it, pinky swear!

If you wanna see more about this channel click here, here! HERE :D it's called Science ASAP.

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